Articles for category: Lifestyle

Brian Harris

Why You Should Be Investing in Smart Devices for Security Purposes

Having a home security system in place in order to protect your home and your family from potential threats and crimes is one of the top priorities of every homeowner. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a tenant or the homeowner yourself, because cameras can always be installed in your new residences, and security systems ...

Brian Harris

Hotels in Singapore

5 Cheap Recommended Hotels in Singapore

Singapore is always an amazing place for vacation. Many people might think that this country is expensive for those low-budget travelers. Don’t get it wrong that you can get the best price for a simple hotel room in Singapore. You just need to be smart in choosing the location and the places. When you’re traveling ...

Brian Harris

contact lenses

Are monthly contacts cheaper than daily?

When they were first introduced, changing contact lenses monthly was the norm. Gradually several different varieties of contact lens were introduced to meet the different health conditions of the eye. This also led to the development of weekly, bi-weekly, and even daily replacement lenses along with the monthly lenses already present in the market. Understanding ...

Brian Harris

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Top Reasons You Should Wear a Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Amidst the wonderful options of gemstones and especially healing zodiac stones,  yellow sapphire or Pukhraj stone possesses a special place. It is the gemstone that has its roots in the powerful Planet Jupiter that is also known as Brihaspati in Hindu Astrology. You can easily come across many people who wear this gemstone. And it ...

Brian Harris

5 Ways to Help Your Addicted Partner Get Their Life Back on Track

For every bliss-filled wedding ceremony going down, there is a divorce happening somewhere else. In fact, recent data around divorce statistics are shocking. In the United States, there is a divorce happening every 36 seconds. Of all the reasons for divorcing, substance abuse was cited as the primary reason for 36.4% of divorces. If you ...

Brian Harris

Care for Your Eyebrows

How to Care for Your Eyebrows

Some men are happy to just leave their eyebrows alone. For the most part, as far as eyebrow care goes, eyebrow care isn’t mandatory unless you have thick eyebrows. Eyebrow care for most men isn’t just about keeping your eyebrows in shape, most don’t even know they need eyebrow waxing. Eyebrow care is more than ...

Brian Harris

Disney Vacation Club

Everything You Wish You Knew About the Disney Vacation Club

Are you looking to join the Disney Vacation Club? During the pandemic, Disney World and other related theme parks were in a weird spot. With the lockdowns easing up, though, you can expect many people to start going to these theme parks once again. This means there’s a great increase in the booked accommodations and ...

Brian Harris

Gorgeous Backyard Wedding Decor Ideas for Small Weddings

Host your wedding right in your backyard without missing out on the feeling of extravagance with these cute and creative backyard wedding decor ideas for your small and intimate wedding.  So if you’re planning a small wedding with just your near and dear ones, a backyard wedding would be so adorable. But in case you’re ...

Brian Harris


What You Should Know About Vaping If You’re a Sports Player

Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, better known as vapes, are becoming increasingly popular. As they become more and more used all around the globe, we are hearing many different opinions about vaping and its health benefits on one side, and the harm it can potentially cause on the other side. If you’re an athlete and you ...