Articles for category: Finance

Brian Harris

buy a term plan online

Steps Involved in Buying Term Insurance Plan Online

A term policy is a pure life insurance policy featuring broader coverage. You can either buy term insurance plans online or offline. In the offline approach, you have to get in touch with the agents or insurers, which could be more time consuming and arduous. However, when you buy a term insurance policy online, you ...

Brian Harris

Asset-Based Lending

Asset-Based Lending: What Is It? Should I Do It?

About 50 percent of small businesses rely on loans to finance their operations. If you’re thinking of getting a small business loan, you’re not alone. And, you’re making a savvy move. Although there are several funding options, debt is easily accessible and as long as you put it to good use, you’ve nothing to worry ...

Brian Harris

Find and Save Money on a Policy Which Meets Your Needs

When you are shopping for your next auto insurance policy you want to get the best value that you can for your money. Do not settle for the cheap car insurance quotes that you are offered if they do not meet all of your requirements. After all, your car is an expensive asset and you want to ...

Brian Harris

Cash Flow Planning

Cash Flow Planning

What proactive steps can you take to help your business navigate through COVID-19 and come out successfully at the end of these challenging times?  Cash flow planning will play a vital part in your surviving through this pandemic. With so many changes and unknown issues that can come up, how do you forecast your cash ...

Brian Harris

Investment Plan

How to Build an Investment Plan That Works for You

Today, in the purview of the rising cost of living, it is prudent to invest in different instruments that provide valuable returns. But, investment requires proper planning. Here are a few simple yet highly effective to help you build an investment plan.  Everyone has their unique financial goals. For some, the goal would be to ...

Brian Harris

Insurance Policy

Figure Out Why You Need A Term Insurance Policy in India

India has a populace of 125crore. In a large portion of the family units, there is just one earning member and family is totally reliant on them. If any grievous occasion happens to that earning member, it is tough for the individuals who are in the family. In India, we don’t think anything will happen ...