Brian Harris

What does a different rating on NPS indicate?

Whenever you make an important decision, you make it with the help of the internet, friends, and family, right? As per the report of Global Trust, 83 people out of 100 trusts on the recommendations given by their family members, friends, or any close relative. 

Social Media helps to share recommendations immediately. Whatever you have experience whether it is positive or negative you can share it immediately. You can send one feedback on the social media page of the organization that you have recently visited.   

Thus, with just one press of a button, you can send or collect the reviews or customer experiences. 

You can make customers happy with just a click of a button and they try to recommend your brand to their family. This is where you can use NPS or the Net Promoter Score. 

NPS – Net Promoter Score 

NPS measures customer satisfaction level and suggests what are the chances that customer will recommend your brand to their family, friends, or relatives. Thus, it is one of the customer satisfaction benchmarks.

It is also a proper benchmark where it improves customer loyalty and also takes care of customer satisfaction scores, customer effort score, etc. It measures a customer’s overall sentiment about a brand and also their perception of the one interaction or the purchase.

How to do NPS calculation?

When you survey your consumers and you ask them on a scale of 1-10, how likely are they going to recommend them to a friend that is how it is done. This is score indicates that if you get 

  • 0-6 then it is detractors, 
  • 7-8 then it is passives, 
  • 9-10 then it is proper promoters

Thus, you need to properly survey your customers when you are calculated NPS. To calculate the NPS, ignoring percent of passives, subtract the percent of detractors from the total percent of promoters. The score can generally be ranged from -100 to 100.

Thus, having a large number of promoters will improve NPS. You have to achieve this goal to have a great NPS.

How to review after reading NPS comments?

Start using automation tools and they are by far the best practice for reading NPS comments. The software that is there today offers a wonderful and sustainable system. It is efficient too and it leverages the insights that are available from the NPS surveys.

When you are in the business conducting in larger studies that have massive data sets, then the manual review is the cost-cutting. You can have the software to automate all the analysis and then it can also give the topics, themes, and any kind of sentiment in the fraction of time. It may take a team of people to do the work but it is better if you do it automated. The changes that are there can be helped in customer experiences.

If you are reviewing the comments manually, then you have to categorize the NPS comments. If there is no automated tool that is available, then you cannot analyze the NPS verbatim comments and mine the data. Hence, you have to follow some steps to make the tasks easy and manageable. So whatever the comments you get, import them on a spreadsheet. After that, the NPS system identifies by itself if the comment is a detractor, passive or promoter. Then the human analysts will review the comments within each of the categories and then they extract the qualitative data.

Thus, break out the comments in three groups and that reveals insights as to what drives the promoters want to promote. Then, you can also tag or label all the different comments that come. Though it is a challenging task, it is still doable if you have a little shortcut. Then, you need to identify the common themes in the NPS comments.

There are many positive and as well as negatives when you are working manually. For instance, manual analysts may find this task a bit challenging because the language may contain some issues that can make it difficult to consistently categorize. Then, you have human workers that are susceptible to environmental and situational changes. Then, you can mitigate this when the team is committed and they can agree upon a certain set of standards of usage.


You need to understand a few key common themes in the comments and you will have the process of tagging positive or negative sentiment. Then, you can try a different theme like the word repetition and the customers will often keep repeating the words. Now, the data will also lend itself very quickly and you need to look over the tags and labels that are assigned. When you are reading NPS comments for review, do so in a team so that you can easily highlight the themes and the trends.