Brian Harris

Older Car Accident Victims May Develop Dementia

Car accidents can cause different kinds of injuries. Some of them are more serious compared to the others. However, the biggest problem arises when an injury appears to be minor initially but ends up causing life-threatening conditions. You can expect to get adequate compensation for such injuries only if you hire an experienced and reputable Beaverton car accident lawyer like Johnston Law Firm. The section below will talk about a common injury that may cause dementia in the elderly after a certain period following the accident. 

Traumatic Brain Injury in the Elderly Due to Car Accidents and Its Consequences 

Traumatic brain injury can have a range of after-effects. As these injuries often don’t result in the visible loss of blood, people tend to ignore them and don’t seek first-aid for them. However, internal bleeding may occur in some and the condition can turn fatal. 

An elderly individual may become unconscious following the accident. If the traumatic injury is moderately serious, you may experience the following symptoms: 

  • Headache 
  • Dizziness, confusion, and a feeling or disorientation 
  • Vomiting or nausea 
  • Drowsiness and fatigue 
  • Difficulty in speaking 
  • Loss of balance 

If the accident results in sensory problems, the elderly person may have symptoms like blurred vision, ringing sensation in the ears, loss of smell and taste, etc. Some also develop sensitivity to sound or light. 

Cognitive and mental symptoms are also common. For instance, there may be instances of mood swings and anxiety attacks. The victim may become depressed and suffer from concentration issues. Memory loss is also common. And if the victim is an elderly individual, he may develop dementia. 

Dementia After a Car Accident 

Dementia is an incurable brain disorder prevalent in elderly people. Indeed, there are a number of reasons why older individuals develop Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. However, one of the most common triggers of the condition is a traumatic brain injury. 

This leads to the question, how you will know that your dear one has developed dementia after being injured in a car crash. You will have to remain cautious and look for symptoms constantly. This should continue for several weeks or even months. That’s because the symptoms might start appearing after several months following the accident. Here are a few symptoms you should look for to find out whether your elderly family member is suffering from dementia or not:

  • The person might find it difficult to concentrate 
  • He might experience short term memory loss or might start forgetting the past 
  • He might become confused about place and time 
  • There may be mood changes 
  • He might struggle to follow conversations or find appropriate words when speaking 
  • He may fail to complete familiar daily jobs like eating the right medicines, going to the right store for shopping, etc. 

If you observe one or more of the above symptoms, you should consult a physician right away. 

Here, you must note that if a car accident victim develops dementia, the compensation he deserves would definitely increase. Speak to your Beaverton car accident lawyer to file fresh claims along with proof of traumatic brain injury and resulting dementia.