Even if your industrial painting needs are minimal, quality is important. A specialist modular spray booth could be the ideal solution
If you have industrial spray painting requirements, whether for manufactured goods or for onsite maintenance needs, having the right environment and technology is essential to getting the best painting outcomes.
Not every application requires a custom-built, high-end commercial painting facility to meet its needs. In many cases, the painting task is relatively small compared to the overall requirements of the facility. In these situations, while a quality outcome is still a must, it might be the case that a smaller, modular, easy to install spray booth could fit the bill for your needs.
There are a number of instances where a modular spray booth might be a better solution, in terms of both capital cost and being fit for purpose.
Examples of where a modular booth solution may be a better outcome than a fully customised spray-painting facility include:
- If the painting requirements relate to low volume plant and equipment maintenance and are going to be used on an infrequent basis.
- If the facility is constrained with respect to space and a modular solution is a better fit for the overall site requirements.
- Where a temporary solution is required due to maintenance or other needs.
- Where the painting task is a discrete and limited component of the overall manufacturing task.
DRYSYS-Spray-cure can provide ready to install modular paint booths in kit form which can be installed on-site in less than four hours. They comprise only four parts, which means that the assembly job is straight forward.
Spray-cure are the experts in spray booth design and manufacture. That means, that while the ModuBuild Spray Booth Kits are a relatively simple, easy to construct a solution, it brings with it all the expertise and technology that Spray-cure is renowned for.
The Modubuild Spray Booths are a heavy-duty industrial spraying solution designed to be compliant with all relevant standards and incorporating approved filtration systems to ensure the capture of overspray. These easy to install kit booths include cross draft airflow with large dry overspray exhaust filters and a push button electronic control panel. And a base tray fitted to the exhaust plenum protects the factory floor from paint build up.
The booths come in three standard sizes – 2 metres, 3 metres and 4 metres – although custom widths can also be provided. The booths are also easy to disassemble and to relocate if required.
Just because your painting task is not at commercial scale doesn’t mean that you need to take short cuts on quality and capability of your industrial painting facility. If you think a modular, easy to build, high quality industrial spray painting booth is right for your needs, make contact with the expert team at DRYSYS Spray-cure today and let us help you to work out the ideal solution for your site.