Credit Cards

Brian Harris

Important Facts to Know for Non-Profits Accepting Credit Cards

Credit Cards

An institution that doesn’t work for profit will also need funds to run their show. Non-profit organizations must pace up with modern technologies to paint a better picture of them. Almost every non-profits and church consider accepting credit card payments to improve the inflow of donations. It is convenient for the donors as well as the churches. 

When it comes to payment processing, churches like every other business deserve a wonderful and safe payment processing system. When you modernize your payment method, you will receive recurring donations as donors like customizing their payments. Always hire the services of a merchant bank that provides a reliable non- profit merchant services bank.

Is there anything to know for Non- profit accepting credit cards?

You have understood that setting up a credit card payment option would enhance the credibility of your organization as well as assist you in realizing the fundraising goals. Considering the importance of inflow of funds, it is equally important to choose excellent software that assists card payment of the donors. It should facilitate a safe transaction and complete the transaction within the bat of an eye. Knowing these things would help you accept a better payment processor for your church or non-profit organization.

  1. One solution for all kinds of payments: 

The donors have different payment options like debit cards, credit cards, mobile transfer, etc. A non-profit merchant service that promotes all kinds of transfers will help the nonprofits to maintain a clear record of the inflow of donation money. In addition to that, the organization can maintain one complete book of record of receipt of funds.

  1. A secured merchant account: 

Even a non-profit organization requires a merchant account that helps non-profit credit card processing safely. When a donor pays the money through this merchant bank account, the bank that processes payment will verify all the details of the transaction. The money gets credited to your organization’s merchant account after verification. This way, you can ensure the safekeeping of donations of your donors and ensure proper utilization of their money.

  1. Look for lower processing rates: 

Since yours is an organization not set up for profit, look for a merchant bank that charges lower rates for processing payment. Have in mind to read the terms and conditions kit completely to understand the rates clearly. Otherwise, choose a payment processor that processes payment for a lot of organizations. That one nonprofit credit card processing bank, which provides safe transactions will do the service effectively for your organization as well.

  1. Choose a merchant bank that complies with PCI DSS rules: 

Hire a merchant bank that maintains secrecy of the donor information. Many nonprofit merchant services banks comply with the payment card industry data security standard rules. If your payment processing bank complies with the rules, you can be sure that you provide your donors with a hacking free payment processing method.

In short, a non-profit organization just like any other business organization requires a secured payment option to accept donations. A modern POS system will help the churches accept more donations as 75% of the donors prefer a card payment. An appropriate payment processor can help to enrich the inflow of funds and to achieve the fundraising goal easier.