We know you love your dogs and you naturally want to do what is best for them. CBD oil is one such product through which you could actually help your pet feel energetic again, and support their physical or mental health. But, here is a twist. When it comes to CBD oil for dogs, there is a lot of information online, and it may be challenging to determine what is factual and what is exaggerated. This is true of any pet wellness fad. In this blog, we will talk about the benefits of CBD to pets, does it really help pets, etc.
What is CBD oil?
Cannabis and hemp both contain a substance called CBD, or cannabidiol. Many researchers state that CBD has the potential to help people in treating their physical and mental illnesses. In recent research, some studies also noted that CBD oil could help their dogs feel energetic again amongst other benefits. The plant contains a number of compounds but the research is usually limited to CBD and THC. It is important to note that CBD oil for dogs and humans often does not include delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical that provides marijuana with its euphoric effects. In actuality, hemp, not marijuana, is the source of the majority of CBD products.
What does the research say so far?
The research on the efficacy of CBD on dogs is still an ongoing process. What is known is that cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid receptors found in the peripheral and central nervous systems, which support the body’s ability to remain balanced and healthy. Despite the lack of conclusive scientific research, anecdotal reports from dog owners show that CBD can relieve pain, particularly neuropathic pain, as well as help control seizures in dogs. There isn’t enough evidence to state this but CBD is also utilized for its potential anti-cancer effects, cardiac benefits, anti-nausea effects, hunger stimulation, and anti-inflammatory qualities.
Risks of Using CBD Oil for Dogs
There is currently no study on the benefits and risks of CBD use in canines. Neither CBD nor a dosing schedule has been authorized by the US Food and Drug Administration. Therefore, one cannot talk about the risks associated with CBD oil for dogs. But like with everything, any drug or dietary supplement has the chance of an adverse response. There are possible adverse effects based on how CBD affects people, even if there isn’t any scientific research on the negative consequences of CBD use in dogs. Make sure you are using the recommended dosage to reduce any potential side effects.
When giving your dog something new, it is generally preferable to start with a minimal dose and then carefully observe the results. Additionally, always consult your veterinarian first.
How to buy Credible CBD products on the market?
There are a few things to consider when buying CBD oil if you and your veterinarian decide to explore CBD as a therapy for your dog. Not all oils are created equal; for a higher chance of success, choose high-quality CBD oil.
Consider organic: If the CBD oil is not organic, it should at the very least be free of solvents, fungicides, and pesticides.
Don’t let price come in between Higher grade and purity are typically more expensive. A less expensive solution can include poisonous ingredients like pesticides, herbicides, or heavy metals. Make sure there are no additions to your CBD oil.
Get the Analysis: A certificate from the manufacturer that attests to the amount of CBD available in the product should be given alongside. Many CBD products available in the market contain only small amounts of CBD. You want to make sure that the presence of THC is within 0.3% THC as per the Indian legal limit.
Choose full or broad-spectrum hemp product: Check the label of your CBD product to make sure it’s a broad or full-spectrum product. Hempstrol is one such brand to know if you want to buy cbd oil for pets online that only sells full spectrum products as that is more beneficial for people to consume. Giving them a full-spectrum oil ensures they are not just consuming CBD but other important cannabinoids as well that occur in full-spectrum hemp like CBC and CBG.
In Which Areas Can CBD Really Help My Dog?
Common conditions where CBD can benefit your dog are listed below:
1. Dog with Joint Problems:
CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory that doesn’t carry the same risk of side effects as drugs. It binds with CB1 receptors in the brain which helps to stimulate the immune system to reduce inflammation. This helps to change the way the brain responds to pain. One of the researchers at Cornell University found that dogs that take CBD were more active and showed a reduction in pain.
2. Cancer:
Yes, dogs too get cancer. For dogs, cancer poses a serious health risk, especially if they get chemotherapy or radiation treatment. CBD’s potential to combat cancer has been well investigated. CBD was found to inhibit the development of breast cancer cells in a mouse research. And in 2018, scientists discovered that CBD extended pancreatic cancer-stricken mice’s lives. Various animal studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer and anti-tumor effects of CBD oil.
3. Dogs with Seizures and Epilepsy:
About 5% of dogs are thought to experience seizures. Both dogs and the people who care for them may find them unsettling. and they might make people anxious. Colorado State University researchers looked at CBD as a therapy for canine epilepsy. A staggering 89% of the canines that took CBD had a decrease in seizures.
4. Anxiety:
CBD is frequently used by dog owners to treat anxiety. Anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways. Of course, anti-anxiety medications are readily available. CBD, however, is being researched for anxiety since it has no negative side effects. The majority of human CBD consumers use it to treat pain, anxiety, and depression Animal studies also shown that the antidepressant effects extend beyond humans. When your dog is agitated, CBD may be administered immediately orally and start working rapidly. It often works in 5 to 20 minutes.